Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Thoughts while weeding

Most who know me know my fascination for cats. Most even know I am a cat. Usually Tiglath. But what they do not know is the amount of time that has been invested not only into the character development of Tiglath, but many others as well, including, bunny rabbits, raccoons, doll house and mod house and of course cats. It is only now having done so much gardening recently that I have begun to remember Nestor, my doll house servant. My family was the Peterson's. I chose a very respectable family name, they had two children and a servant. I don't remember much about the family, except that it was traditional and respectable. I do not remember because I never paid them much attention. My devotion was to Nestor who was the quintessential servant. I think that I, the child creator, invested all my psyche into him making him carry out my designs on the house.
This was a mud house. There were many projects to be tended. Aside from general mud maintenance ...and if you think such a thing does not exist, make a house yourself with weeds, cats, rain, and wind. See how much in a doll's perspective needs to be done. Aside form this, Nestor lined the desert plantation (we were in Arizona at that time) with rocks, made the stream come through (we ran a hose as we played. There was a great lake separating each property.) He carefully made new additions both in the yard and on the house as each task was masters. He did not say much. Mr. Peterson gave the orders and he would say "Yes sir." Generally I would think of something to do next, Mr Peterson would voice it and Nestor would do it. But really, it was me, squatting down with him somewhere at my side and me thinking Nestor thoughts.
One time there was a flu epidemic going around the village. Everyone's favorite character got sick. But they always got better. This bugged me because we had to pretend to be worried and then pretend to be surprised and excited when they got well. It was a breach in my suspension of disbelief. So Nestor got sick... and didn't get better. In fact, I made him die.
There was outrage in the village. All belief and disbelief was suspended and a sister war ensued. I was unjust and it was not fair. Nestor was not a sacraficable character. It would be like killing off the Peterson's point of existence. In the end it was Nestor's evil twin brother (back then we all still fell for that).
Anyway. Why am I thinking of this? Well, it is because I love working. I love working so much that I do not mind working overtime and not being paid. I have considered the wisdom in this. And it seems to me there are several factors affecting my choice to do this. I think it is summed up in Nestor. I think I am and have always been Nestor. The Peterson's have their life. It is normal and they do their daily activities. But I prefer to serve under, and I am not committed to necessarily the same goals as the rest. I want my rocks lined up, my tumbleweeds trimmed, and my rivers running right. I need food, shelter and rest, but not much else. I am committed to the land, not to the piece of consciousness as a segment which comes from an hourly wage. My love for my work, perhaps I would better use the word "craft", is not quantifiable in terms of pay and hours.
And then I was thinking that all this is spurred on by a sense of global justice. I feel a very strong pull to do something, anything, to help. But I am convinced that change begins first in individuals, spreads into community, and grows into larger networks of communication. So I have chosen to make community here, and my energy is given where I can give. Sometimes fall semester I would hear many facts which compare western vs. southern styles of life, and the simple actions that a large group of people could take which would have profound consequences. But again and again we do not as a group take action.
Today as I was weeding dandelions. At first there were three of us, then there was two, then I was alone. We hear "if just one person..." but really, I am impressed with three. I am impressed with how much moves with the union of wills and the cooperation of effort to a single goal.