Friday, June 04, 2010


I am blogging from a little cyber cafe on a street in Esteli, Nicaragua. I am here with three friends and we have been here since Wednesday, though travelling since Monday evening. I must stop and think very hard about what day it is as time moves very differently when travelling. I think this is because I mark time more by routiene and to travel is to upset almost every familiar routiene and practice. Sometimes this is a very welcome thing, and sometime this creates a great deal of anxiety--and sometimes both at the same time.
For the past three days I have gotten a great deal of (very urgently needed) work done on my teeth by a local dentist recomended by my father. He is very good, and for anyone needing lots of otherwise expensive dental work I would certainly recomend him. So far he even tops the dentist in Costa Rica (who I have held up to this point as being the best dentist in my extensive experience.) Indeed, for those of you who worry about scary Latin American medical practices, he just corrected a mistake they made in the US by a dentist not completely removing a cavity before filling it. He had to take out the whole filling which was infected and replace it.
Despite how happy I am to have healthy teeth I have reached some limit of consecutive pain tolerance. I am exhausted from holding my jaw open for a few hours every day and recieving shots, drills and prying. I have two more days of work (tomorrow and Monday) which includes an extraction and finishing the root canal. But after today I am ready to quit. I want to go home and forget about my stupid teeth. I would like this to all be done and to just enjoy the rest of the trip.
However this is not a possibility. So I am going to bitch about it, curse the gods and make a resolution in the midst of the agony. My resolution: I would like to see the dentist for cleanings only from now on. Is this possible? I think this involves cutting out refined sugar from my diet. I will add that to my learn-how-to-cook summer which begins when I return. I think the discomfort of the past few days has brought me to a breaking point in a way. I think I have come to the point where I would prefer long term health without refined sugars to the momentary pleasure of they offer.

PS the spell check does not speak English so there are probably lots of mistakes. I hope you are amused.


At 1:45 AM, June 05, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for letting us know! Bless you!


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