Monday, May 10, 2010

It runs in the family

Today was one of those days where sleep is interrupted with periods of consciousness. Other than a brief lunch with my friends, I have spent the day nestled in my bed usually with the Goddess (ask me about that sometime) rather pleased at my choice. This is not because I was particularly lazy today, but more because I feel the creeping feelings of sickness threatening my health. I feel in these cases sleeping the day away is productive.
At one point I woke up to the sound of a bird flying around the room. (In retrospect perhaps the open window and recent weather might have something to do with catching a cold…)

I chased the little bird out of my bedroom, quickly closing the door and set about trying to catch the little thing without making it have a heart attack before then. I think I was successful. (Well, I caught it—I will never know if it dies of cardiac arrest in the arms of a loved one whispering a terrifying story of giants and small closed spaces).

It is very odd to be roused from sleep to a strange event. It reminded me of an email I received from my aunt near the end of semester. Reading over it, I am aware that I have inherited a way of interacting and constructing the animal world from my mom and her sister my Aunt Gale. I share it here because it is funny and revealing.
I woke this morning bleary eyed (since Ross and Stu came in around 1:30 am and did not go to bed till 4). Turned on the coffee, went to the bathroom to do my morning constitutional still half asleep.... so imagine my surprise when I thought I saw something moving around on the floor. Being still asleep I, I did not see anything, I have been cleaning and there has not been even the errant bug. but ... there it is again! I looked down and lo and behold there was a tiny mouse! we did have them in here at one point a few years ago but we put out traps and I figured they were gone...had not seen any signs of them the whole time I was here! so... being Gale, I got a washcloth and sweetly talked to the little red eyed, grey/brown mouse and asked it if it wanted to go outside. I don't think it believed me... so after a bit of chasing around the room, I was able to drop the cloth over it and pick it up...Price, I probably would have tried to grab it as usual but after the shrew incident I decided that was not the best solution...hence the washcloth. It went well and she ( yes it was a she) got distributed on the back porch so she could investigate a good spot among all of the 10 porches on this level with lots of plants and fun things to hide in. I felt satisfied that all was well in the world...hopefully, a bird will not find her ;)


At 12:19 PM, June 05, 2010, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, it runs in the family! Did you also bring in your favorite praying mantis to introduce it to the family as your new friend? Actually leading it in by one arm across the floor...mighty confused praying mantis.


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