Sunday, May 25, 2008

More With Less

Possibly the best investment for a while.  25$ at Ten Thousand villiages yesterday.  Jeff said it was a good book, and low and behold, it is a startling read.  This is because it was first printed in 76 when some present-day organization did not exist.  The Mennonites were concerned with world hunger and proper use of resources (and the spiritual implication of this) long before there were organizations.  What do you know.  
  I began to realize there was more to manitoba than I first thought.  It may be that while the people are behind in many aspects on environmental and global issues of justice, there is an entire tradition of simplicity and sustainable development to be taped into.  I got excited.
  Also, there was a 6 acre piece of land for sale: 12,000$.  (!!!!!)  Jeff said it was probably a gravel strip.  Still, my dream of sustainable living and building, and land may be closer to being than I first dared to hope. :)

Monday, May 05, 2008

Chapter 5

In which Jeff learns there is more than one way to make French Toast.

Thats right. This week my dignity was brought to question when Jeff found out I did not appreciate soggy bread. I like my french toast cooked through. "So its chewy?" He increaduously inquired? Yes. That night there was chocolate offered to amend my dignity. And what's better he realized that there are different people in the world, and now allows for the existence of bannas (Another food he does not subjectivly appreciate). Life with others makes us aware of ourselves. That is why I have a boyfriend. Otherwise I would think the only thing that exists were fires, cats and books. And chocolate. and me. sometimes