Monday, December 14, 2009

If I was a cat I would be purring

Oh, wait, I am a cat...

My home is relatively* clean... and I am posting from my own computer. I thought I would not get Internet on this computer so that home would not be a work place... but that means that I am never home. I finally broke down today and frantically ran around* trying to get it working before this evening so I could have my class here. I have to say there is something about writing from one's home. I now can do the majority of my thesis work in my little apartment. I think my fish will be happy too. The less I am around the more his little home suffers.
I never meant to get him in the first place. Poor thing. And they live so long. I would really like a tank full of cute fishys, not elegant ones. It turns out the elegant fish are snobs and don't like to hold company with even their own kind. Silly fish.
Gaelic begins now.
'S toil leam ag ionnsachadh an Gaidhlig. An toil leat?
Its happy to me learning Gaelic. Is it happy to you?

*Relative to the whole semester.
** Don't ask how one can break down and then frantically run about... but it is possible


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